“The LORD is my shepherd
I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”
Psalm 23
Coming to Australia was a big challenge, indeed, a leap of faith, so to speak, but “Let go and Let God” kept echoing in my mind. With so many questions unanswered and so many things to do, we left with much hesitation and uncertainty. With three young kids in tow, these doubts and uncertainties were made worse. But yes, just let go and let God, take that leap of faith was the best decision we have ever made, and there has been no looking back since.
We left for Australia in June 2001 whilst Rodel, my husband, arrived in February of the same year. He was employed to work in the Cardiovascular Research Group of the University of Queensland in South Brisbane. On his own for a few months, he was invited to attend a Christian Life Program conducted by Couples for Christ (CFC), a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It was a much welcome invitation which he gladly accepted as he was homesick. Ironically, this community started in the Philippines, but Rodel and I never had an opportunity to join while we were back home. The Lord led us to “green pastures and still waters”, our adopted country, Australia, to be part of this beautiful community. Rodel’s faith journey had begun, and we, as a family, joined him as soon as we arrived. And the rest is history.
CFC is our extended family here. Our children started as part of our young family ministries. CFC is deemed a “Womb to Tomb” community where each member of the family has a place to be spiritually nourished. This is its unique aspect. Its vision… “Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth” and its mission ... To establish the church of the home and the church of the poor with family renewal as the heart of its mission. Although a Catholic movement, it remains open to non-Catholic Christians as members.
CFC has built within its ranks, priests and religious. One of our youth leaders joined the Sisters of Immaculata in Tasmania and two priests from Sydney and Canberra, to name a few. One is now at the Canali House discerning his vocation while one of our CFC leaders is undergoing the deacon formation program. Through God’s grace, the community has been SOMEHOW instrumental in their discernment. Our youth ministry has been actively participating in the Vocations Brisbane activities while some actively serve the parish as members of the pastoral council.
We have been in Australia for 20 years now. Our eldest son and the other young members who now have their own families have transitioned to CFC, bringing along their young families. This is what we are passionate about, passing on the baton to our younger generation, our future.
Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving to our God, who brought us here. The Lord has blessed us with this role to do His bidding, whatever and wherever it takes us, by sharing our time, talents and treasures that He alone has gifted us. As current Chapter Leaders of Couples for Christ Australia (Oceania Mission Ltd.), Rodel and I can joyfully acclaim, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15